For Girls and Women by Girls and Women
A virus called HPV causes cervical and many other types of cancer. Nigeria has one of the highest burdens of cervical cancer in Africa. For girls and young women, HPV vaccine is safe, effective, and can decrease the risk of cervical cancer. For middle-aged women, cervical cancer testing can identify cancer early and help stop it. We are looking for creative solutions that promote HPV vaccination among daughters and HPV testing among mothers.
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The Problem
Every day about 28 Nigerian women die from cervical cancer. Persistent infection by high-risk human papilomavirus (HPV) is the cause of many cancers, including cervical cancers. Well-organized HPV vaccination and screening services can reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Nigeria. However, in Nigeria, as in many African countries, there are no successful, widespread systematic cervical cancer programs. In fact, only 1 in 7 girls have been vaccinated and 1 in 10 women have screened for HPV. We can change this!

Learn more about
The Problem
Every day about 28 Nigerian women die from cervical cancer. Persistent infection by high-risk human papilomavirus (HPV) is the cause of many cancers, including cervical cancers. Well-organized HPV vaccination and screening services can reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Nigeria. However, in Nigeria, as in many African countries, there are no successful, widespread systematic cervical cancer programs. In fact, only 1 in 7 girls have been vaccinated and 1 in 10 women have screened for HPV. We can change this!
1st: Answer The Open Call Question:
How can cervical cancer screening and/or HPV vaccination uptake be promoted among women and girls living in Nigeria?
Mother/Daughter teams will submit:
- Answer to the open call question
- A complete filled out form (separate or together?)
2nd: The Designathon:
XYZ number of potential participants/teams will be selected to participate in the Designathon
Designathon Structure:
- Kick-off: A lightning round panel where invited guest speakers share experience and answer questions about HPV/Cervical cancer prevention hurdles among racial and ethnic minority youth in the US.
- Brainstorming Activity: Teams participate in a structured brainstorming activity, designed to uncover the problems from youth perspective and identify possible solutions.
- Prototype: Over the next several hours, teams develop preliminary prototypes of their solutions and consult with rotating experts from the panel who answer teams’ questions and offer feedback.
- Pitch: Teams prepare pitch presentations lasting no more than 3 minutes, which will be delivered to all designathon attendees, as well as a four-person panel of judges, composed of youth, faculty, key leaders and stakeholders in the field.
- Judges will evaluate the pitches on three categories: innovation, relevance to girls and women, feasibility to implement and sustainability.
3rd: Apprenticeship Academy (Participatory bootcamp):
Designathon finalist will then move onto the 4- week hybrid apprenticeship academy (three weeks online, and one week in person) to build capacity for implementing interventions designed by the teams (at least 2-mother/daughter dyads per team) with support from trained CHW. Selected mother/daughter dyad teams will receive one-on-one mentorship from successful Nigerian community-based implementation experts and an assigned trained CHW
- Designathon (72hours)
- 4 weeks participatory bootcamp
- To make the way for yourself and women/girls like you to live more informed. prepared and thus better lives
- Bring your ideas to life in a way that will positively impact yourself and your community
- The ability to Impact your community in a tangible and positive way
- Money
- Connections to a world wide network of mentors and leaders in public health
- Connection to like minded women and daughters from your community
- Training in skills such as: leadership, innovative problem solving, implementation science, and more
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