How might we promote HPV vaccination among girls in Nigeria?
Cervical cancer remains the second most common cancer in Nigeria, with an estimated 21 deaths every day. Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer. At least one third of all HPV-related cancers could be prevented with vaccination. HPV vaccination for girls aged 9-14 is recommended to prevent HPV infection. However, despite the rollout of HPV vaccination in Nigeria, one in five girls were not vaccinated. We can change this!
We believe that girls and women can become empowered to reduce the burden of cervical cancer in Nigeria. We seek fresh and dynamic voices and experiences of girls and their relatives (including mothers, fathers, caregivers, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles etc) to collaborate as a team to identify ways to promote the uptake of HPV vaccines for adolescent girls (9-14 years old). We are particularly interested in combating misinformation about HPV vaccines. We believe you can be the change to inspire action.
4 communities by communities in partnership with 4 girls and women, advances community needs and priorities through four participatory approaches designed to spark the urgency of now. We are a community transformational platform that helps communities to unleash their potential, while inspiring and supporting them to harness their collective power for change.

We are calling all girls and their relatives (including mothers, fathers, caregivers, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles etc) to enter as a team, and submit their responses to the contest question:
How might we promote HPV vaccination among girls in Nigeria?
The final deadline for submissions is March 10th, 2024.
Eligibility: Anyone can submit ideas to the open call, but we are particularly interested in submissions from girls and young women (9-26 years old) and their relatives. We welcome ideas from boys and men working as allies with teams of girls and their relatives.
Format of your submission: There is no required structure for your submission, regardless of whether you choose a 500-word submission or a video/audio description. However, here are some questions that your submission could address:
- What are messages, slogans, or ideas to promote HPV vaccination among girls aged 9-14?
- What are creative ways to reach girls in remote areas or who have limited internet access?
- How can we combat HPV vaccine misinformation to promote HPV vaccination in the Nigerian context?
- How can we engage girls, their parents and communities to increase HPV vaccination?
- Submission using online google form:
- Links to images, audio files, and video files can be embedded as hyperlinks in the test.
- Download your offline submission form here:
- Please send your filled submission form directly via WhatsApp to 09090496884
- Images, audio files or video clips accompanying your text submissions can be forwarded as well
- Download your offline submission form here:
- Bring it to the NIMR office here: Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Clinical Science department, 6 Edmund Crescent Yaba, Lagos and contact person: Dr. Agatha Wapmuk
Deadline: March 10th 2024
Notification of All Participants: March 25th 2024
Designathon: April 3-7, 2024
Dr. Juliet Iwelunmor, Dr. Joseph Tucker, Dr. Oliver Ezechi, Dr. Temi Ojo, Dr. Fola Akinsolu, Dr. Aberdeen Salako, Dr. Titi Gbaja-biamila, Dr. Agatha Wapmuk, Dr. Jennifer Smith, Dr. Kristi Foley, Dr. Ricardo Wray, Dr. Kayode Ajenifuja, Dr. Ben Azuogu, Dr. Ucheoma Nwaozuru, Ms. Ifeoma Idigbe. Ms. Ekene Kokelu, Ms. Shayna Mueller.
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Enter The Open Call
Answer the question: How might we promote HPV vaccination among girls in Nigeria?